Thursday, June 02, 2005

women talk

I'm supposed to do WHAT with that ?!!!

I know this is a PeRsOnAl topic, but I have been reconsidering other forms of birth control for a while. Anyway, I was informed by my dr. of NuvaRing, a new form of birth control that consists of a little plastic ring, which is inserted into...well, you get the idea.

Anyway, have any of you tried the Nuva Ring or know someone who uses it? Was it efficient, comfortable, and easy to use ? Please let me know. Muchas gracias.


La Madre said...

I've heard good things about it and thought about going on it. You may also want to ask your gyno about Mirena. I have PCOS and Factor V, which means it would be good for me to be on a birth control but I need one with out progesterone. Thus Mirena and NuvaRing are my only options (other than of course condoms)

La Madre said...

oppos actually NuvaRing does have progesterine---not an option for me or others looking for estrogen only contraceptives...just Mirena.