Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Stanley "Tookie" Williams

This morning at 12:35 AM GMT, Stanley "Tookie" Williams, one of the founding fathers of the Crips gang and more recently, reformed gangster & Nobel Peace Prize nominee, took his last breath - a result of lethal injection.

While he is responsible for starting a group of gangsters which still continue to this day to be violent and deadly, does his last years of reform and messages of peace mean nothing?

I know its a controversial topic. But honestly, what's your view on his execution now that it's all been said and done ?

1 comment:

Mexirican said...

As someone who has moved to California and have been reading the stories in the LA times, I feel he never showed remorse for what he did. I don't believe in the death penalty because killing is not justified for a past killing. Make sense? I hope so. Anyway, his case would be so hard to be granted clemency to begin with. He started that gang-Crips- I remember that gang since I was a little kid and that gang goes beyond just Cali.