Tuesday, March 29, 2005

it’s like losing a friend I never had

There are a few blogs which I have grown quite attached to over the past few years. I read them semi religiously and without even realizing it, it's like friendships somehow emerge from text. If I don't hear from them for a while (i.e. "WHAT??!!! No post in over a week!???"), I wonder if they are ok. If they are going through a particularly hard time in life, I empathize and send them positive energy via email or any comments section they may have. In addition, much like true to life amigos, the writers of these beloved blogs have never ceased to make me laugh, cry, smile, and ponder things in life which would have gone by unnoticed on my radar otherwise.

With that being said: recently, when I went for an update on one of my favorite blogs of all time, I found it has ceased to exist. It almost floored me. (I am trying so hard not to use any names here and am finding it hard !!) I am still in shock, as I still find myself typing in her domain and finding an error reading "access denied". Oh, well...What else can I do but just send her oodles of positive energy and well wishes? **sniffle sniffle**

Hmmm..Maybe she’ll start another one I will stumble upon? Gotta believe she can’t leave the writing alone!!!

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