Sunday, March 06, 2005

vent time 101

I should be getting ready for bed - preparing myself for another long week of hell at work...but I have got a lot on my mind. Ever since Thursday morning, when I saw a dead woman (who I originally thought a man) dead on the corner of my block, my mind has become full of thoughts which seem never-ending. Even though I am no stranger to death, seeing it strewn about my block first thing in the morning - a life taken so violently for no apparent reason, has played havoc on my soul. I can't sleep well, gray & depressing poems have been pouring out of me faster than I can write them, I have been smoking like a chimney, and my budget is in the triple negative digits for the second month in a row...

On top of it all -I feel old. I found my set of first gray hairs recently...which my mother proudly yanked 3/4 of. Now they appear alfalfa like on the top of my head -long enough to urk me, disappearing before I can yank them out.

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