Sunday, March 26, 2006

spring cleaning...

Today I spent the entire day doing what every woman does when she's tense and in need of recentering and beginning a new life. I scrubbed, vacuumed, washed, and cleaned every inch of my house to a sparkly clean finish. In the process, I threw out 5 garbage bags full of junk and put together 2 huge boxes of clothes and books which I intend to donate. I sit back now and enjoy the scent of fresh bedsheets and my vanilla scented candle in the background...ahhh, what a wonderful feeling.

In other news, my asshole tenants are finally gone as of Friday night. I celebrated the occasion by consuming way too much alcohol. Another huge change on the horizon: Me & the boyfriend are planning to move in together. It's almost official (gasp). This is the greatest jump I think I've ever taken and I can't stop smiling.

Life is good!


Amadeo said...

How adult...I'm scared of the look on my face should a woman suggest moving in together.

ms. purity said...


I sure as hell hope he doesn't chicken out and run away from the situation. I know he's scared more than he wants to admit it and that makes me nervous.

See...I don't get the whole drama thing about moving in together. To me, marriage and even worse, children is much more scarier than living together. After all, we can always just move out of eachother lives with little to no reprecussions (compared to marriage and children).

Mickey Glitter said...

Cleaning and setting things to rights is a great feeling. I feel another bout coming on soon.

Anonymous said...

I feel you ... I'm in the middle of spring cleaning myself. Don't forget to give each other plenty of space when you move in. Sometimes you don't even realize when you begin to suffocate each other.

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

i'm SO jealous (as i look at my messy place).....

damn! i'm going to do so "spring cleaning" today/tonight. thanks for the motivation. i can probably fill 5 garbage bags of "crap"...alot of it is medical journals/literature/etc.

Unknown said...

spring cleaning. that reminds me. :) glad the sucky tenants are gone, now to find nice ones. good luck.