Tuesday, June 06, 2006

6.6.6 ~ the day my car was possessed ~

Anyone know a good priest which can do an exorcism on a car ? My 96 corolla was possessed this morning, I tell you! Here's the scoop: for a while now, my car has been giving me problems starting; yet no one could figure out why. This morning, I meagerly attempted to start my car, only for it to stick up it's middle finger to me for a good minute and a half. When I do finally start it, it sputters before turning over. So, finally it starts (yay!), but as I drive it a few feet I notice it sounds strange, so I pull over to park it.

Here's where it starts to get strange: the first thing I do is take out the key out of the ignition, right? AND GET THIS: THE CAR WOULDN'T TURN OFF!! The key is sitting in my lap and the engine is still on!!! So I did what any person in their right mind would: I started freaking out, calling to wake up my boyfriend to explain what was going on. Lo and behold, when I go to open the hood, the engine is going and all the little belts and such are flowing...all without a key in the ignition. That's when the smoke started coming out of the engine like it was on fire. It was horrible! Between waiting for a tow truck and taking it to the shop then hitching a ride from the boyfriend, my possessed car made me over 2 and a half hours late for work. Hopefully, my car is still salvageable and I pray that the mechanic doesn't screw me over like so many tend to do.

I did luck out in one aspect, though...a nice man felt sorry for me as he drove past, so he stopped to help me out in the heat of it all. Turns out he owns a towing company in Chicago and he only charged me $50 for a tow across town!!! I guess it pays to be stranded in a pretty skirt, doesn't it ? (smile)


Mexirican said...

I hope you go to mass on Sunday!

Anonymous said...

LOL ... at least it stopped even if it wouldn't turn off. Imagine if the wheels just kept a turning.

My computer was possessed today ... maybe it was 666 after all.

Amadeo said...

I told my co-worker that's why she was having a rough day...then I said if she goes home and her daughter looks at her funny make her sit outside.

ms. purity said...

thinking back, the horror has subsided and the hilarity of the moment (or the phone conversation with the bf) will be forever etched in my mind:

bf: (sleepy) "hello?"
me: (frantic) "BABY! Ya gotta help me! My car won't turn off! My car won't turn off!!"
bf: (still groggy) "just take the key outta the ignition. jiggle the key"
bf: (semi alert) "your key's out?!"
me: "YEAH! IT'S SITTING ON MY FREAKING LAP AND THE ENGINE IS STIL ON!!....LISTEN" (putting cell phone by hood)
bf: "WHHHAAATTT?!!!"

hee hee...it's classic!!

Unknown said...

hmmm, my first car was a ford escort and i was always able to pull the key out of the ignition while it was on. being my first car i thought it was an intended feature in the car. it worked wonderfully in the very artic mornings in wintertime when i went outside to turn on the car and let it warm up while i ran back inside to finish getting ready. i was able to take the key and lock it up and leave it on. i have a different car now and i was super dissapointed that this was not a 'feature' on the car.