Wednesday, November 03, 2004

god help us all....

Another 4 years of hell, can you believe it ? Kerry actually conceded and Bush has been declared the winner of the 2004 presidential elections. Sigh...I can't help but be filled with an uncontrollable urge to cry tears the size of texas, scream profanities that would make baseball fans blush, shout at the tops of my lungs "Why, lord, oh WHY ????!!!"…or simply bop someone over the head with a really heavy bat for a good 10 minutes straight. Sigh

My only Q is: What is up with these Red States ? Can they not see what a moron Bush really is? How can they honestly want another four year term full of his arrogance, lies, and letdowns for our country? It just doesn't make any sense.

Slowly but surely, I am being sucked of all love for our system, questioning our so called freedom. I see no freedom in a place where gay and lesbian couples are ripped of their natural right of sharing their love with each other and god like everyone else...a place where women's right to choose between undertaking the choice of abortion is in jeopardy of being revoked...a place where affirmative action is slowly being reversed. All I see is a war for oil masked over by threat of terrorism to scare the bejesus out of the public.

I sit and type furiously at my desk trying to woof down my lunch and realize that Bush is single handedly reversing the forward movement of this nation back to a place and time where the minorities of this country were bound & gagged in order to be controlled by the government.

It just doesn't add up why people would be so gullible & we are all forced to endure more hell. Sigh...The ONLY consolation I have is the fact that after this term, Bush can’t run for re-election.

I am too tired and pissed to write another that is all I have to say about this for today.

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