Thursday, May 25, 2006

yup, i'm talkin to you...

List up to ten (10) things you want to say to ten (10) different people. Do not state who these people are. Do not confirm or deny any 'comment speculation'.

1. I'd like to think one day we will get married, yet sometimes I feel like I'm not good enough for you
2. And the most boring conversationalist award goes!
3. Your voice is so squeaky it makes me want to tear my eyes out!
4. Stay in school young buck; you have so much potential and are TOO smart to just drop out!!
5. I hope one day you can forgive me and we can be friends again. I love ya.
6. I feel like we've known each other for years even though we just met
7. I want to call you to hang out but I know I will just have to deal with your bullshit all over again
8. You were my first love but not the last. Who knew my heart could heal after all that SHIT?!!
9. You try to perpetrate as a friend but your really just a maniacal bitch
10. Thank you for always being here for me (you're the bomb)

1 comment:

Santiago said...

you know...i have a couple of #7 on my hand. i usually take them to thai food restaurant and maybe IM them after a long time.