Thursday, September 08, 2005

New Orleans Overload

Just thinking about the whole New Orleans disaster is too sad and depressing for me. I mean I am barely holding on to my sanity lately and just thinking about such a TRAGIC EVENT just brings me over that edge. Don't get me wrong: my heart, thoughts and prayers all go out to each and every soul who's life was forever changed by the hurricane. I can't even imagine the amount of devastation and pain these people have endured....their houses gone, family members lost, everything they owned and loved being ripped from they are saying thousands may be dead, just floating around in the disease infested water, and how it will take possibly year(s) to repair the damage. I keep thinking "this should have been prevented...there is simply no excuse for such loss of life and devastation" but who is really to blame? People are going back and forth trying to point the finger. Meanwhile, my brain is on overload with all this other personal shit going on in my life. Suddenly, I am having some trippy dreams laced with floods, terrorist attacks, and alien invasions. I really need to chill out...and just release it all

BUT IN THE MEANWHILE, I swear if I have to watch another news clip or read anymore about the total DEVASTATION that has taken hold of the city of New Orleans, I am just gonna shoot my toes off.

Oh, and to shamelessly plug a cause OTHER THAN THE RED CROSS (the hippy in me is rebelling), check out Rosie O'Donnell's foundation All For Kids which is donating 100% of all donations to the children and their families which were affected by hurricane katrina. I mean the full 100%!!! What other organization is offering that ??!!!

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